Today i was sitting with others at work rooting through our code trying to get rid of the last few bugs in our recent update. The bugs were only visible in Netscape - some were seen in 4.7 other were visible in 6.0 . This scene is all to familar for many web developers. The different browsers as we all know are not really compatible. Companies are opting to tell clients that the site is only viewable with say IE 5.5 or higher. To me this is almost equivalent to creating a desktop application.
I don't want IE to become the only browser out there. When i first downloaded Opera i was so happy. It was F-A-S-T . It had new and cool things i wasn't used to. Gestures are brilliant and I miss them. But why did i stop using Opera? It just didn't render a whole bunch of sites. Signing on to many sites no longer worked. Very frustrating indeed.
This problems plauges many - it just struck me as one that is not going away. Standardization among all browsers is not going to happen any time. I guess using RSS feeds , XML-RPC and like technologies have brought wonderful words into my vocabulary - interop, standards, templates.
It makes me want it all - is that too much to ask for ?